Monday, October 26, 2009


So, I'm back. With TONS of stories. AGH! Most not so good. So I get in Tuesday night to Columbus. All is great. Wednesday we pack up and leave at night. So we're getting into Ft. Knox at about 11 at night. Well we(W's sister, myself and her 3 kids) are following her mom and dad in a car ahead of us. Well they end up taking the wrong exit and it takes us right to the gate. So we got acquainted with the gate early on. They told us to turn around and what not and we did and headed to our hotel. We got into bed around 11:30 and try as I might to fall asleep it just wasn't happening. I FINALLY fell asleep at a little past 2 am knowing I had to be up at 4 am. 4am rolls around and I'm up and adam.

Just a little background, we had discussed about what time we should leave. According to the letter we got it told us it would take a minimum of 90 minutes to get on base AND when W called the day before he told me that if we weren't there by 8am (graduation was at 9am) that we wouldn't get in the building because it was small.

So we figured if we leave by 6 that will get us on base as early as 730, putting us with enough time to be able to get into graduation. So our car full of 7 people pull up, they ask for the letter, and all our id's check em and send us on our way... SERIOUSLY... THAT'S IT?! haha! So after we got directions we decided to go a different way, resulting in us getting lost and having to come back and get scolded by the same guy who gave us directions. He was really funny about it.

We ended up pulling into our final destination at about 6:30... that's right. 2.5 hours before graduation is set to start. There's already a line forming and with a 4 month old, 2 year old and a 6 year old it just wasn't gonna happen for us. Well, about a half an hour in we saw the doors open so we headed over to the line. Well apparently that was just people going pee... So we hear this guy say they're not opening the doors until 8 so we decided to suck it up and just stay out there. Mind you it's 7 am in Kentucky. It's not exactly WARM. Probably in the 40's or 50's. so 8 rolls around and nothing... One of the drills informs us that they're still practicing. fine... 8:15... nothing... 8:30... nothing... So at this point it's now been an hour and a half that we've been waiting outside! BAH! finally at about 8:40 they open the doors and we're let in.

As far as the ceremony it went really quick. I spotted W right when he walked in. He was supposed to be carrying the company guidon but due to a tie for the pt award they let the other guy carry the flag. W was pretty irked since he carried in in front of the company the whole cycle. So here they are marching in (this is actually first platoon)

Anyway, they released them and I just stayed back with his sister, kids and dad while his mom signed him out. I spotted him walking over and he hadn't spotted me yet. But I could tell the second he did. His face absolutely lit up. Here we are, right before hugging for the first time in TOO long...

and more...

FINALLY after the longest hug in history... we pulled back to see each other. I can guarantee my smile was JUST as big... He just kept telling me how amazing I looked and it was pretty obvious how amazing HE looks!

It was so good to finally be with him... we just hung out the rest of the trip. Ate a lot... haha. And just enjoyed each others company.

Here's a few more pictures for your enjoyment..

Us after graduation

His mom and dad with him

Him and his sister

Him and his oldest nephew

Him and his niece

And Just some of my handsome man... DAMN he's sexy!

So anyway, after we dropped him off we actually drove all the way back to Columbus. They made it pretty clear that we were not going to see him the next day, so don't even try. Well sure as shit I get a call from W the next morning saying it's 930a and we're heading to the airport and my flight doesn't leave until 330p. They told us our families could come hang out with us.... WTH!?! Ugh... So missed opportunities, but oh well...

So he's at Ft Sam Houston in San Antonio now awaiting his AIT to start which isn't going to be for another 2-3 weeks. He got told when his Christmas exodus is and got told to buy tickets now and so we're doing that. All in all it was a great trip. I got to hang out with Katie!! woohoo!! Here we are!!

That was about it. If you made it this far.. Kudo's!! And if you're wondering I've got 53 days until I see him next YAHOO!!! And this time it will be for more than 10 hours and we'll get some much needed ALONE time

Friday, October 16, 2009

Leaving in...

3 days 12 hours... I can't believe it! I'm really nervous though. I got a letter yesterday from Bub telling me that he failed his final run. He said he was sick and only failed by about 20 seconds. I know he can do it. He said they'd let the people who didn't pass retake up until graduation so I'm hoping and praying he gets it and I find out soon. It definitely puts a damper on your day when you're not 100% sure you'll be seeing them when you go. ya know? My friend who's husband is a drill sergeant did say that they don't like to see them fail and they get in trouble for it, so they usually make sure they pass and he's even tested someone on the day of graduation, but there's always that negativity in the back of your mind, you know? I'm sure he'll do fine and make it... just keep him in your thoughts. I'm THIS close to my goal of being below 150 before I leave. I'm currently below and plan to maintain it, but who knows what my body will do. I didn't work out today, just really wasn't in the mood. I got tons to do before I leave in an obviously very short time! That's all I have for now. All the good thoughts you can muster up for my honey please! :)

Monday, October 12, 2009

One week left...

I fly out in a week. Actually in exactly 10.5 hours i'll be flying out in a week. I can't believe it. It makes me excited/anxious/nervous all at the same time. We are both so different in our looks since he left. I know I won't even believe it's him when I see him and with me cutting off my hair and losing about 10 lbs I don't know if he'll believe it's me. I weigh in for the second to last weigh in before I leave. My goal was to be under 150 when I left and this morning I was at 151 lbs, so hopefully I'll be able to lose that last lb. I've got a slew of things to do before I leave, but since I'm a list writer, I'm good to go. I'm hanging out with Kaleigh tomorrow to shop a bit and then going to Josh's sometime tomorrow evening. They had their boy finally! Kyler James Miller was born at 3:11am, weighing in at 7 lbs 15 oz and 20.5 inches long. He's an absolute stud ;) I love brand new babies. They are soooo stinkin cute! This being my last weekend before I leave I have A LOT to do. I've got to empty my planters as well. Oh! I got a tomato today! It was only a small one, but as I was taking off the dead leaves from the plant it kinda fell off. It was red and everything I just thought it might grow some more, so I just left it. Not anymore, it's in my fridge. I'm going to give it a few more days to ripen slowly. wow wow wow. I can not believe I will see W in 9 days... I can't believe it's come. He's been gone 63 days as of today... wow... Anyway, that's all for now :)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

2 weeks, that's right... FOURTEEN DAYS!!!

I can't believe i'm finally down to 2 weeks! I never thought i'd get here. It does seem like time has kind of stood still at the 2 week mark though. i feel like i've been saying 2 weeks and so and so days for a while. I guess tomorrow i'll break that cycle ;) I leave in 12 days. well technically 11 days 8 hours. He called Sunday and he's doing great and they did a soldier appreciation where they got pictures taken and so I got to see him again... even SKINNIER, which I didn't think was possible. He's passed the run for basic, which is absolutely amazing. I didn't know my man could run 2 miles under 18 minutes but HE DID! He's just gotta do it one more time and he's passed basic! I figure if he can do it once, he can do it again and he'll have tons of motivation! I've been hittin the gym still. I'm getting my hair whacked tomorrow and Wayne still doesn't know. In fact he won't know until I go there! He'll be shocked i'm sure! I've got so much to do before I leave. I need to write it all down as it comes to me so i don't forget! 9 more days of work and i'm off!

Friday, October 2, 2009


So, about a week ago, I was informed via letter from my dearest that I would be getting pictures of him soon. Well, soon didn't come fast enough and here some 5 day later I got them!!! HOW AMAZING! I never knew a picture could make you feel so amazing... It truly does. I feel like an absolute nut for saying that, but it's so true. He looks just sooo handsome.

I DID go back to the gym on Tuesday. I stuck true to my word. I ran 3 miles, did push ups and sit ups . My push ups have gotten weak, but I'm back on it. Wednesday I ran 3.5 miles and did pull ups, sit ups and lunges. Today I did a 4 mile run, then calf raises, sit ups and squats. I put Bub's picture on the treadmill and it gave me this amazing motivation. Just to see the way he's transformed has made me want to just work even harder.

I still haven't talked to him in 3 week weeks. Well almost 3 weeks. Sunday makes 3 weeks. I'm going to take tomorrow off. I'm working some overtime until 4 am and I chaffed the inside of my thighs really bad from running with out spandex so they hurt pretttty bad. Just gonna give the body a rest and come back Saturday and hit it. The gators aren't playing, so I'm allowed to go to the gym ;)

I got my tires balanced on Wednesday. $59 bucks later and no shaky shaky on the steering wheel. The it was off to Josh's where he proceeded to remove my tires and rotors. We took them down to Shuck's and $30 later, both rotors were turned. He slapped it all back together and... No shaky shaky when you break! hooray!!

I got a new book. Dan Brown came out with a new one. It's called The Lost Symbol. It brought Robert Langdon back. I didn't even read what it was about, I just know his books are good so I bought it. It was quite coincidental. Josh and I were talking about it on Sunday, I went to the store on Wednesday and saw it on sale in the middle of the aisle, so I got it. I got a read a little while I sipped on some coffee and ate a poppyseed almond muffin at Kaladi Bros. My tires got done a lot faster than I thought, so I didn't get to dig in like I thought...

ps tina... you wrote 27 lbs, but I assume you meant 17, since that's what I wrote ;) We shall see! I'm ALMOST to healthy according to the BMI scale. By the way, who doesn't think that shit is fuuuucked up. *raises hand* Glad you all agree :D