Monday, October 12, 2009

One week left...

I fly out in a week. Actually in exactly 10.5 hours i'll be flying out in a week. I can't believe it. It makes me excited/anxious/nervous all at the same time. We are both so different in our looks since he left. I know I won't even believe it's him when I see him and with me cutting off my hair and losing about 10 lbs I don't know if he'll believe it's me. I weigh in for the second to last weigh in before I leave. My goal was to be under 150 when I left and this morning I was at 151 lbs, so hopefully I'll be able to lose that last lb. I've got a slew of things to do before I leave, but since I'm a list writer, I'm good to go. I'm hanging out with Kaleigh tomorrow to shop a bit and then going to Josh's sometime tomorrow evening. They had their boy finally! Kyler James Miller was born at 3:11am, weighing in at 7 lbs 15 oz and 20.5 inches long. He's an absolute stud ;) I love brand new babies. They are soooo stinkin cute! This being my last weekend before I leave I have A LOT to do. I've got to empty my planters as well. Oh! I got a tomato today! It was only a small one, but as I was taking off the dead leaves from the plant it kinda fell off. It was red and everything I just thought it might grow some more, so I just left it. Not anymore, it's in my fridge. I'm going to give it a few more days to ripen slowly. wow wow wow. I can not believe I will see W in 9 days... I can't believe it's come. He's been gone 63 days as of today... wow... Anyway, that's all for now :)

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