Well, I titled this one appropriately I think. More than one opportunities have popped up for Wayne and I. I'll start with The VERY quick packet Wayne got to test for the Airport Police and Fire Department. He had tested before and wasn't able to make it through for some reasons, but he applied again and now he gets to try again! I think this is great. He works so hard to be what he wants to be and for this to happen so fast is a good sign. He had taken (and passed) the written test prior so he gets to skip that part and go straight to the physical test, which includes funning 1.5 miles in under 15 minutes, and a serious of fire tests. These include running 5 flights of stairs with a hose, raising and lowering a water bucket in the water well and several other tasks, mind you this is all done with gear on thats probably about 30 pounds. Now if anyone knows Wayne, we all know he goes to the gym, quite a bit. Well this has spurred something new. In light of these recent conditions I've decided to get back on that wagon. In the past we've had problems working out together just because he's used to doing this a certain way so long and I've never done any of it. But, we've really been working on each other and he now stops and helps me. It's great! We're both getting much better work outs. So we've started him on this interval program. Basically we get 1.5 miles done in .25 mile increments. But the idea is, is that we do those increments in a faster speed than he's comfortable with as to bring up his wind and condition him. He's really doing great. I'm so proud of him. In return, I start running with him as well. I do the program too, but I have a tendency to want to get to even distances.
For example, yesterday he was done with his 1.5 mile, but I had started one behind him, so I figured I'd not cheat him and ran out my final quarter mile, I did, but then figured I might as well get to 2 miles worth of running. By the time I was done with 2 miles worth of running (with some walking in between) I was at 3.35 miles. I then decided I might as well get to 3.5 miles. I ran/jogged/walked it. I'm odd like that. But I tell ya, I was having some serious runners high. I was getting what I used to get when I was working out a lot, it was great!
Oh a different level, some how Kaleigh Rodgers (a good friend who's due the beginning of next month) asked me to take some pregnancy photo's of her! I'm soooo excited!! :D It's always great to do friends because you don't feel awkward. I would have loved to be a photographer, but I'm so bad at meeting new people in person I don't think it would have worked out. Anyway, I've been browsing a lot looking for good ideas. I have a lot in mind and need to go purchase some items to shoot with. YAY!
Well, those are our recent new opportunities. I think they're all great and can't wait to see what comes of them! :D