Monday, October 10, 2011

Dream numero uno - Mr. Nick Sorum

As part of our day zero project, it is my job to write down dreams I remember for a week. I don't normally remember dreams, but I just remembered the one I had last night, so I figured I'd write it down and try to remember the others I have, if I have any.

So last night I dreamt that somewhere I met up with my friend Nick Sorum. He unfortunately took his life 3 years ago and I think about him often. At any rate, I got to talk to him. It was great. We talked about how he was in heaven and I remember wanting to ask him if there was a God or what God was like. We had a nice talk, but I can't remember what all it was about. I just remember he was the same Nick I always knew. I woke up knowing he was okay and that was enough for me.

Dream number one, down in the books!

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